Testimonials & Reviews

I've been so blessed to work with so many incredible people. I truly hope that my story can inspire and uplift others. These are just a few of the kind words I've received from people all over the world. Thank you for being a part of my journey!


You have the BEST advice and insight on my situation. I’m so thankful you understand it.


I found you at just the right time! I read your book. You are so resilient, and you possess the skills I’m trying to cultivate in my life. Thank you for speaking out and standing tall.


The best part of this story is how deep she is willing to dig to find her way to the very bottom and then right back out of the dark hole of addiction, and broken dreams. What an amazing light she constantly radiates. I am in awe of her and her wonderful example of thriving.


Roxanne! Thank you so much! I did it! It was uncomfortable but it worked! All because the tools that you gave me and my strength to do it.


What! I had no idea this is what I would experience. Her love, knowledge, the sisterhood, wisdom and classes! All of it! Even the food is prepared with so much love we could all feel it.


Just listened to your episode on denial! Thank you for being so amazing! Always what I need to hear.


Thank you for your inspiration and your podcast. It is everything to women like me.


Thank you for sharing your story Roxanne and for reminding us all that we will get through it if we choose to do the work! My prayer is to find someone that is willing to do the work as well!


Words cannot say enough about this retreat! I felt like I needed to be there, but I was scared as this was completely out of my comfort zone. I am so grateful that I did it! It was literally the best thing I have done.


Thank you for writing this book! It helped me so much. It is insightful and honest. It gave me hope that there is peace that can come after betrayal trauma. This is a must read!


Her story and experiences are unique but can be applied to anyone going through something that stretches them beyond what they believe they are capable of overcoming. This book truly shows that with God, all things are possible.


Roxanne helps you feel so loved and cared about as she’s guiding her class. I literally felt like I was in the same room as all those attending even though we were on zoom in our own house. So connective and beautiful.


Trauma is so hard to live with, living though it and seeing the other side is truly survival. Thank you for this podcast, I know it will help so many people. You have been a great inspiration for me! Can’t wait for more!


I blamed myself for so long for how I always felt overwhelmed and paralyzed in fear of many different things. I shamed myself thinking I should be better or different. Roxanne walked with me through identifying what was actually happening, she showed me how to listen to those parts of me, and how to heal the wounds. Amazing!


I felt, I cried, and I healed all in a short amount of time.


This show is the real deal. Roxanne has had experiences in life that make her the perfect person to give hope and a positive message, even through adversity. Her perspective is fantastic and she has a great voice for podcasting. This show will be a real blessing to so many.


I can do hard things with God by my side. Thank you for reminding me of this Roxanne. I recommend this book to all who have struggles and trials they must face in their life, which includes us all.


I love this podcast! It has helped me see who I am as I walk on the journey to heal from past beliefs and a divorce. So grateful for women who have done the work and are willing to share with others like Roxanne!


Roxanne gets it! These podcasts are absolutely spot on! I’ve just started listening and have been recommending and sharing links to them with the betrayed spouses in the various groups I belong to. If you’re looking for help in healing, check them out!


I had 2 clients tell me today how much your podcast resonated with them. One even said that you might be her partial soulmate! Thanks for all the good work you are doing in the world.


Watching Roxanne as she pushed through this event in her life truly moved me! She’s so wise, calm, kind, powerful and strong. I couldn’t put down her book until I had finished it.


This book was amazing. I’ll read it again. I loved hearing how the author was able to create such a strong and personal connection to God. And I marveled at the way “that connection” was the catalyst behind being able to show SUCH LOVE to a spouse who had betrayed her. Some good advice for ANY relationship!


THANK YOU for doing what you do! You are helping me so much! I will be listening to your podcasts over and over as I am healing.


You are Heavenly Father’s Angel on earth. What a blessing to be a messenger. Thank you!


I love that Roxanne is always studying and learning new things to bring to our sessions. Her dedication has impacted me more that I could ever say.


I loved it! My eyes are wide open in disbelief of the healing I had and can see will keep coming. So needed.


Your book is reminding me that God never left me! Thank you so much!


I swear you are such a big part of my healing process and you don’t even know it.


I can’t tell you enough how much I love your podcast! Thank you for giving us a voice and validating our experience!


All I can say is “Don’t do it alone!” You can do it alone, the hard way, and hope to figure it out, or you can do it with someone who gets it, like Roxanne. Life is still hard but it’s easier when someone is with you showing you a path that works.


Wow, wow, wow. I am speechless, really, what courage, what love, what insight!! A must read for any woman who is devastated because a loved one is on a self-destructive path...superb testimonial


This book gave me spiritual and emotional tools. These tools have allowed me to find healing!


Roxanne is a light in the dark. She shares her insights and knowledge in a way that gives space and allows each of us the tools and time we need to heal and process all that life has put us through. -Jess


What an incredible journey of healing and connecting to God. I am awed by the honesty and vulnerability. I am inspired and grateful.


Love a down to earth “truth-teller” who also exudes joy and shines hope into dark situations. Roxanne seems to know the meaning of happiness because she has also known the meaning of pain. Feels like she’ll be with me on the path wherever I happen to be walking TODAY. Looking forward to more episodes!


It was so reassuring to realize that everyone has pain, feels sad and lonely at times, and wants to feel better. I’m not the only one that gets overwhelmed with life and unsure how to navigate it. I can be successful and a great person and be aware of all the emotional, mental, and physical feelings I have and there is a way to work through them and feel better.


A place to go and be taken care of, loved, seen and heard, validated, and taught so many ways of how to take care of our emotional well-being.


I went in skeptical but willing to try. By the end I was a believer!


Thank you for sharing your story Roxanne and for reminding us all that we will get through it if we choose to do the work! My prayer is to find someone that is willing to do the work as well!


Roxanne shares the raw, unfiltered truth of her experience as the spouse of addict. She is vulnerable and direct. Her experience has helped me see why the path to my healing requires me to look at the real truth about myself even when it feels uncomfortable, even painful. I thought I could run from my pain, but she has shown me a much better path to real healing with God.


Thank you for your vulnerability and perspective on such a hard trial. I felt peace as I read your story. Mine is sadly similar. Much love and gratitude.


Your stories are so relatable and you take the words right out of my mouth.


I love the example of love for those in our lives who suffer through addiction. It opened my eyes to seeing others in a new way.


So happy I found your podcast. I feel like you are telling parts of my story and all the feelings you had while in it. You are helping me so much and giving me the strength I need to move forward because I know that he won’t change.


I absolutely absorbed this book!! It was real ,it was raw.... I felt her pain ,anguish and heartache!! The work she did and has done to heal and help her children and many others heal was powerful!! Addiction does kill love


I just needed you to know this podcast absolutely changed my heart. I needed this message so badly and I sobbed almost all the way through it. You sharing your story and your heart is changing me.


We are not alone. I loved how she used this statement at the beginning of her podcast. Roxanne shares how knowing that small fact pushed her to find freedom and light at the end of the dark tunnel. I found her podcast enlightening and full of hope.


I was given her book, Cutting Ties, by someone from church. I read it and I cried many times while reading it. And I felt so validated as I was in the thick of betrayal trauma myself. It gave me hope. It gave me strength. Looking forward to hearing more From Roxanne in her podcasts!


Thank you so much for doing your podcast! I have listened to every episode and I love your honesty and courage! I have appreciated the knowledge that you have shared!


I love these retreats! I can’t say enough. And the friends! Not sure how it happens, but connecting and loving so many new women in a short period of time felt like a miracle. I’ve been alone for so long. Not anymore.


This book is an amazing review of a very spiritual journey through betrayal trauma. Those who have gone through betrayal trauma know how lonely it can be. Roxanne prayerfully sets herself free and models the possibility and self-permission that other women need to give themselves in order to fully heal.


We all experience trials and Roxanne’s example of persevering and turning to God is so inspiring. This is one of the most beautiful books I have ever come across.


I found great peace and was incredibly moved reading that she did it all with God’s help! Even in her darkest hours she turned to Him not away from Him! I have already recommended her book to friends dealing with many different kinds of trauma. I know it will bring them light.


This book is a testimony of God’s love for his children individually. He knows each of us and is waiting to pour out His love in our times of trial. Roxanne’s faith promoting journey will surely give hope to all, as they witness her turning her life over to God as she never stops believing.


Breathwork is helping me with my anxiety and teaching me tools of surrendering and healing


My sister told me “you need to start following this amazing woman, you will love her! She’s exactly what you need” and she was right. I started following Roxanne and loving all of her posts, listening to her podcasts, and then realized I needed coaching. I cannot say enough about her. She is the most genuine, caring person ever and she gives you so many great tools to use!


I attended an in person event where Roxanne was asked to come and lead a group breathwork class. The energy that filled the room of 25 was powerful! So many doing emotional work together! Loved it!


I have never read a book like this one. Roxanne’s way of telling us her terrible story, while always showing such amazing respect to her ex-husband is... SO honorable.


I was able to open up in ways I have been hiding for way too many years. It was absolutely worth it.


Reading Roxanne’s story about her difficult journey and how she walked through it with the Lord’s divine help has strengthened my own faith in Him. I’ve gained a greater understanding that God is real and is in the details of our lives, that none of us are ever alone.


I was given your book by a friend for my own healing, and I am grateful for you, your example and testimony. Thank you for showing me that hard things can be done, and joy and triumph can come out of heartache and pain.


It’s been so cool to see my answers come during the rest portion of the class. I’m taking those and changing my life. I’m getting stronger and standing up for myself more. I’m realizing more and more that I don’t have to settle for painful relationships. I deserve to set boundaries and take care of myself.


I was guided to take the same path as Roxanne and have been divorced now for 9 months. Whether you are in the beginning, middle, or end of your own personal healing, this podcast is so helpful and encouraging. I have listened to multiple episodes more than once and always find something new I need to hear!


You are the most influential person I know!


I have already recommended this book to many of my friends who have and still are battling betrayal trauma.


Roxanne is A wealth of knowledge and a voice for those who need answers. When you think no will understand what you are going through, just listen to some of these awesome podcasts. -JGJR


When I listen to your podcast, you literally help me more than the counseling I’ve done the past 2 years. You are a huge part of my healing.


This podcast is incredible. So many women will relate to Roxanne’s story. She is full of light and I look forward to hearing and learning from her podcast each week. I am choosing in!


Finding Roxanne was literally an answer to my prayers!


I found so much validation and healing from reading this book. I thought I was the only one facing the craziness that comes with being married to an addict. Great read!


I got your book! I’m sooo thankful for it! I literally feel like you are describing my life.


I’ve done Roxanne’s classes many times now and gain something every time. I cry and let go of everything that somehow piles on throughout the days and weeks. Such a relief. And it shows me I don’t have to carry around stress, anxiety, and burdens. I can let them go.


Roxanne has helped me find and heal the parts of me that have been so deep I didn’t even realize they were there or needed healing.


I am trying to heal from betrayal and find my self-worth again. I love your podcast and I wanted to say thank you for sharing your story.


So many blessings have come through my hard work of healing which includes your retreats!


I love the visualization in this book. I will read this many times to remind myself of my worth and that God is walking with me. He is there in my joys and in my trials. I needed that reminder.


The music she chose was inspiring and the way she led my own personal meditation made it so I could explore feelings, problems, and depths I hadn’t let anyone see.


I am listening to your podcast. I know God led me to it! I also currently reading your book


Roxanne’s Retreats! I’ve attended the last two so far! She is so amazing and I am so blessed to have found her.


Roxanne and her team are absolutely amazing! I was able to do so much healing in such a short amount of time and the women that I met and were able to connect with is priceless. If you get the chance to go to one of her retreats, GO! You’ll be grateful that you did! You owe it to yourself!


The insight you have given me has been a beautiful gift and I feel a new sense of direction and hope.


Roxanne tells her story in a way you feel as if you are sharing with each other across the table. Hot cups of cocoa in between you. You feel as if she is speaking to you directly. And sharing with the love and empathy we are all looking for. Even if your story is different or started different or is working out differently - “choose in” is for you! You will find answers to search out your own happiness and healing.


Real experiences with real solutions. It’s raw. It’s real. Roxanne offers hope regardless of what you are going through in your relationship.


Wow! I had no idea I was carrying around so much emotion. This is so healing I can’t describe it.


This book taught me that healing from trauma is real and can be achieved. Roxanne gave me tangible hope through sharing her world of trauma. I really appreciated her ability to put into words her struggles and her victories.


I read Roxanne’s book when I was in the beginning of the worst of the betrayal trauma. Her book helped me to find the courage and strength to find healing for ME, no matter what my husband chose.


I read her book and I cried many times while reading it. I felt so validated as I was in the thick of betrayal trauma myself. It gave me hope. It gave me strength. I’m now looking forward to hearing more from Roxanne in her podcast!


I have no words! How did I not find her sooner! Healing emotionally has been life changing.


Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you for sharing your story. It helps me to not feel alone! Thank you for sharing your experiences with truth and love. Thank you for your example. This podcast inspires women to choose self-love. To let go of fear and to choose in to healing. I am beyond grateful for your strength and honesty.


I am determined to face my own marriage issues with love and strength and now setting my own boundaries after reading about her journey. Thank you for being brave and writing it down. I applaud you and your goodness.


Healing is so hard! It’s important to find the right person to help you through. Roxanne knows what she’s doing and what she’s talking about! She does so much of her own work and that shows me I can do it too.


I feel free and ready to live my life with boundaries! I had no idea how much my life would change by meeting with Roxanne regularly.


She is so graceful even as she’s struggling. She’s just truly the most amazing woman, and my personal hero.


Your book, your podcasts, and even the quotes you post (I have countless screenshots of them) help me find little glimmers of hope here and there…and those are priceless and invaluable right now.

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